Category: The Christian Life

  • 9/11/11 Devotional Thought

    “Job got to his feet, ripped his robe, shaved his head, then fell to the ground and worshiped: Naked I came from my mother’s womb, naked I’ll return to the womb of the earth. God gives, God takes. God’s name be ever blessed. Not once through all this did Job sin; not once did he…

  • Upward and Onward

    So… It’s been long…long…long time since I’ve written anything. To be completely honest and transparent, it’s mostly because I haven’t really had anything worth writing. Sure, I’ve been extremely busy and life feels like it’s spinning in harmonious chaos. But ultimately, if I felt I had something worth writing, I would’ve made time to do…

  • Purpose in the Wilderness

    A few days ago during my devotions I was listening to some worship music.  I was really struggling to find a song that truly represented my heart as I wanted to worship God.  I quickly prayed in my head asking God to show me a song that represented where my heart was at with God.…

  • “When doubts filled my mind…”

    These words were penned by a man many Christians consider to be their favorite character… second to Jesus of course. A man that God himself said was a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22). I think that for some reason many of us can relate to David easier than we can relate to Jesus.…

  • Write It Down…

    Today I was challenged as I read a book by Bill Johnson called The Supernatural Power of a Transformed Mind. He’s talking about remembering God’s Word and how it is extremely vital in living the Kingdom life that God has called us to – a life of miracles, healings, and power. He talks about meditation,…

  • Revival? Or Gospel?

    Today, as I was studying. I had this thought… I wonder if we somehow limit God just by calling an outpouring of the Holy Spirit a “revival”. I mean, when the disciples experienced an outpouring of the Spirit in Acts – they just called it the gospel… which essentially is what it is. With the…

  • The Unashamed Life

    Everyday I in my devotions, I love to start out with this song Infiltrate (Unashamed Prayer) by Worth Dying For. I love the passion and the desire for pursuing God, and all that He has called us to on this earth – to experience His glory and then spread it to the ends of the…